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Employee Spotlight: Meet MaryAnn
Why do you work in your current profession, live where you do, or become involved in the communities that you belong to?
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Why do you work in your current profession, live where you do, or become involved in the communities that you belong to?
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Shawn Carroll struggles to recall the details surrounding her accident in 2017. Her recovery journey remains hazy, too. However, through it all, she...
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At first blush, many would not understand the complexity and importance of Nina Esway’s position as Front Desk Attendant. A more nuanced look,...
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For Sherri Mayle, every interaction with a potential, or existing, Liberty HealthShare member is an opportunity to make someone’s life better by...
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Liberty HealthShare’s employees helped spread Christmas cheer to brighten the holidays for the less fortunate in the community.
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This month’s employee spotlight is Cindy Hawkins, Liberty HealthShare’s Director of Medical Services. Life circumstances kept Cindy from pursuing her...
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August’s employee spotlight is Melanie, one of Liberty HealthShare’s valuable medical bill processors. Working in the medical bill processing...
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Rebecca, a Care Navigation Nurse, is this month’s employee spotlight! A member of the Prenotification/Care Navigation team, Rebecca has been...
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This month, we are happy to introduce you to Kayla. She works in our Prenotification/Care Navigation department as a Care Navigation Nurse, serving...
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Meet Ta-Tanisha. She is a senior member resolution specialist where she works to assist our members and resolve any issues they have with their...