Asked and answered.
The concept of healthsharing often comes with some questions. We get it. And we’re here to answer them. Here are the most frequently asked questions related to Liberty HealthShare.

What is Liberty HealthShare?
We are not insurance. Liberty HealthShare is a community of people, with like-minded values, helping each other in a time of need. We empower our members with healthcare freedom and equip our members with the power to share in one another’s eligible healthcare costs.
What makes Liberty HealthShare different?
We are health-conscious individuals and families who choose to steward our health and share in one another’s medical needs and expenses. Our caring community serves one another in prayer, encouragement, and financial support.
What can I expect from Liberty HealthShare?
Liberty HealthShare members can expect to be a part of a caring, powerful Christian community that works together to make healthcare affordable for all.
How do I become a member?
Becoming a member is simple. If you’ve decided that healthsharing is right for you, choose a program that fits your needs. Fill out an application, and our enrollment team will walk you through the rest of the membership process.
When does sharing begin?
Sharing begins after two full months of membership.
Can I see where my money goes?
Transparency and accountability are of paramount importance to us as a ministry. We are blessed to have received a “Three-Star” rating from Charity Navigator, as well as a “GuideStar Gold Seal” three years straight from Candid, ranking us among the nation’s best non-profits for transparency and accountability. Members receive SharePower numbers each month, receive sharing updates in their ShareBox, and have access to our yearly IRS Forms 990 and annual audits.
Will my provider accept Liberty HealthShare?
While many providers are willing to work with healthcare sharing ministries, the reality is that some providers will not. Our partnership with the PHCS network gives our members access to more than 900,000 providers across the country, but even if your preferred provider is not a participating provider you can ask them to work with Liberty HealthShare. By utilizing HST Connect you can search for providers in your area who will work with Liberty HealthShare.
Do providers know who Liberty HealthShare is?
Long considered the country’s most comprehensive healthshare, we are one of the largest healthshares by member volume. However, that does not guarantee that your provider will know about healthsharing. If they don’t – let them know! We can also speak to your provider if they call 855-585-4237.
When I join, am I obligated for a period of time, or can I drop out at any time?
You can cancel at any time. If you want to cancel, you should notify Liberty HealthShare of your cancellation (verbally by phone, electronically, or in writing), including the reason for cancellation, by the 25th day of the month, prior to the month in which your sharing contributions will end. If membership cancellation occurs 30 days or more after your Enrollment Date, the membership enrollment dues will not be refunded.
How do I contact Liberty HealthShare?
You can contact Liberty HealthShare through the Member Services team via phone at 855-585-4237, by email at info@libertyhealthshare.org, or by logging into your ShareBox account and submitting a request.
How can I update my personal information?
Personal information, such as your address, phone number, or email, can be updated through your ShareBox account. Simply log in and navigate to the settings or profile section to make changes.
What is ShareBox?
ShareBox is an online portal where members can manage their accounts, submit medical bills, make monthly contributions, view sharing activity, and access other important information related to their membership.
How do I access my ShareBox account?
You can access your ShareBox account by visiting the Liberty HealthShare website and clicking on the “Membership Login” link. Enter your username and password to log in.
Will I be able to talk to a human, or just a robot?
When you call Liberty HealthShare during our business hours you will always be able to speak to a real human from our center of operations in northeast Ohio. If you happen to call outside of business hours and have to leave a message, the same knowledge and personable team of real people will call you back.
Can I contribute without being a member?
Yes! Liberty HealthShare’s mission of following the biblical mandate to share one another’s burdens can be taken up by those who wish to offer financial support but who are not members. Contributions by those who are not members may even be tax deductible.
What program is right for me?
No two individuals or families are alike, and our robust healthsharing programs are designed with that in mind. Determining which sharing program is right for you depends on what your needs are. Your best next step would be to contact our sales team to speak with an expert and find the best avenue for you to embrace healthcare freedom with Liberty HealthShare!
How do I make a contribution?
Contributions can be made monthly through your ShareBox account, where you can set up automatic withdrawals or make one-time payments.
Are my contributions tax-deductible?
Suggested member monthly sharing contributions to Liberty HealthShare are not tax-deductible as they are not donations, but rather contributions to a healthsharing ministry. Although, amounts members contribute in excess of their suggested monthly sharing contributions may be tax deductible. In addition, contributions by those who are not members of Liberty HealthShare may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for tax advice concerning any contributions to Liberty HealthShare.
What happens if I am unable to make my monthly contribution?
If you are unable to make your monthly contribution, please contact our Member Services team as soon as possible. We understand that unexpected situations arise, and we are here to support our members.
Can I give more than my required monthly contribution?
Yes, members can choose to give more than their suggested monthly contribution if they wish to support the community further.
What expenses are eligible for sharing?
Eligible expenses include medical costs for illnesses, injuries, and other health-related needs that are consistent with our Sharing Guidelines.
How do I submit a medical bill for sharing?
Medical bills can be submitted through your ShareBox account. Once your bill is submitted, it will be reviewed and processed according to our Sharing Guidelines.
When will I receive help with my medical bills?
After your medical bills are submitted and approved, we strive to facilitate sharing between 60-90 days. While sometimes sharing can occur before 60 days, the timeline can vary depending on the complexity of the bill and the availability of funds.
How are eligible medical bills shared?
After a bill has been submitted and determined eligible for sharing, through our vendor partnerships we reprice medical bills at the Fair and Reasonable amount. This system works best when providers submit bills electronically directly to Liberty HealthShare. While members can submit their bills themselves through their ShareBox, it is best when members utilize a provider who participates in the Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS) network, thereby streamlining the sharing process and reducing the likelihood of a balance bill, which is not eligible for sharing. Once the eligible bill is repriced, Liberty HealthShare then facilitates the sharing of funds between members.
What if my medical needs exceed the amount available for sharing?
If your medical need exceeds the amount available for sharing, the community may rally to support you through additional voluntary contributions or special assistance programs. Alternatively, the sharing of your medical bill may be delayed until sharing funds become available.

Discover the power of health sharing.
Reach out to a Liberty HealthShare representative and start walking together with us on your healthcare journey today.