Donate to Liberty HealthShare

Liberty HealthShare is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit charitable organization. Financial integrity and accountability are vital concepts at Liberty HealthShare. We seek to build a spirit of public trust in all that we do by earning the trust of our members through transparency and honesty. We are audited annually by independent outside agencies to ensure the proper use of funds and we publish the results of our annual audit, along with our latest Form 990 tax return, on our website for public consumption.

Hebrews 13:16

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Charitable donations by non-members, or by members in excess of their normal program share amounts, to Liberty HealthShare are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. There is no return of financial benefit promised to those who donate.

100% of donations are applied to SharePower to reduce Liberty HealthShare’s backlog of unshared medical expenses.

There are many ways to make a donation to Liberty HealthShare. By far, the easiest is to make an on-line monetary donation. You can make a donation of any amount as a one-time gift, or as a monthly donation.


Donations from Liberty HealthShare Members:

Liberty HealthShare members can make a donation at the “Donation” tab in their ShareBox.
You may also make a gift through:
  • Donation of real estate, motor vehicles, stocks, bonds, jewelry.
  • Beneficiary designations in an annuity, endowment, trust, will, life insurance policy or retirement plan.

Current and past Liberty HealthShare members may also make a donation by waiving the amount of one or more pre-2022 medical expenses they had previously submitted for sharing, asking that they be removed from the backlog. The amount of these waivers are not tax deductible.

To use one of the above methods to make a donation, please call 772-236-7021or email