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1 min read

I've Got Joy

I've Got Joy


This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 NLT

Every day is a day created by God! Let that thought sink in for a moment or two. It is a gift. It is his creation.
It will be filled with opportunities and moments of grace. Sometimes you will receive grace, and sometimes you may be the one extending it.

The psalmist is calling us to acknowledge and celebrate the day! We are to find joy and gladness in our day. I must be quick to tell you that some days the only joy you might find is in your relationship with Christ. I have had unexpected moments of joy because of someone’s kindness, a grandchild encounter (that can go both ways), or the licks and wagging tail of a puppy. I love the declaration in this verse.

“We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

When I officiate funerals I generally will pray this verse at the beginning in acknowledgment of God’s creation of even days filled with sorrow and grief. Be so trusting of God that no matter what happens you can find a way to rejoice with gladness at the day you are now living in. No matter what happens, God made the day! Find your joy in him!


Dear God, thank you for this day! You made it. You know everything that will happen and that has happened. I rejoice in you and lift up my voice of thanksgiving to you today. Amen

Pastor Wes Humble is the Executive Director of Ministry and Community Relations.

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