The Top Reasons to Join a
Christian Healthcare Ministry
Unlike typical health insurance, Christian healthcare programs share healthcare expenses within a community of like-minded people. They share the cost of medical bills among the group rather than insure people. Members make monthly contributions, and when their physician sends them a bill, other members chip in to help pay it.
We are not an insurance company. We do not have a network. You select the healthcare provider that best suits your needs, and you can join whenever you’re ready.
Our Connection to God Sets Us Apart
Make the decision to be loving and charitable. In a healthcare ministry, you’ll get the privilege of being able to practice being kind to your brother or sister in Christ. It’s another way for you to show your faith in God and the community in which he has placed you.
You’ll instantly feel delighted to be able to contribute your monthly share to a fellow Christian rather than to an insurance company. You’ll also feel grateful when it’s you in need. It’s a rewarding experience to connect with caring Christian brothers and sisters from all around the country who are all united in Christ.
By showing your brothers and sisters in Christ your kindness and loyalty, you’ll be taking God’s word to heart.
A Christian Community
Your fellow Liberty HealthShare members will always be by your side, praying for you, sending you messages of love and support. You can’t put a price on the assistance you’ll receive from others in the community. You’ll have our network of Christians helping carry your burdens, even in the worst of circumstances.
You’re granted the opportunity to take God’s word to heart by helping your fellow brothers and sisters.
Top 10 Reasons To Join a Christian Healthcare Ministry
- You select your provider—the one that best suits your needs.
- Avoid paying into for-profit insurance companies.
- You’ll deepen your connection to a Christian community.
- Benefit from the prayers and support of your fellow members.
- By being kind and generous to others, you will also be blessed.
- The community will be there to support you and carry your burdens with you.
- It's a thrilling experience to connect with caring Christian brothers and sisters from all around the country and reduce healthcare costs for one another.
- It’s the connection to God that sets the community apart.
- Freedom to choose a healthcare alternative from a nonprofit for my body and my beliefs.
- You have the opportunity to take God’s Word to heart by helping your fellow brothers and sisters.